The day
The day I become you
I'll jump through firers before that's true
I wont burn in til I'll be like you
In til then I know I'll hurt with every step I do
The day I'll be you, I'm going to be the one who throws the true
In the fire that is burning, in the firer so hot
The day I'll be you, I'll shoot my self thats true
I'm sleeping through the firer of grace
I'm not doing any mistakes
God bless the ones who don't knew who you are
I'll hate the one who's sees you like a star
I Bring the life of the shooting duck
He's my savior, of a miljen but I'm stuck
The day I'll became you I'll fall on my knees
Screaming for help begging please
Only maneged my self to shout now I'm dead
But in real life I was begging instead
I'm sleeping through the firer of grace
I'm not doing any mistakes
God bless the ones who don't knew who you are
I'll hate the one who's sees you like a star
Congrats of a victory so good
Congrats of a mistake you made
Congrats of the terrifaying moves you made
The day I became you, I'll blame my self that's true