The day
The day I become you
I'll jump through firers before that's true
I wont burn in til I'll be like you
In til then I know I'll hurt with every step I do
The day I'll be you, I'm going to be the one who throws the true
In the fire that is burning, in the firer so hot
The day I'll be you, I'll shoot my self thats true
I'm sleeping through the firer of grace
I'm not doing any mistakes
God bless the ones who don't knew who you are
I'll hate the one who's sees you like a star
I Bring the life of the shooting duck
He's my savior, of a miljen but I'm stuck
The day I'll became you I'll fall on my knees
Screaming for help begging please
Only maneged my self to shout now I'm dead
But in real life I was begging instead
I'm sleeping through the firer of grace
I'm not doing any mistakes
God bless the ones who don't knew who you are
I'll hate the one who's sees you like a star
Congrats of a victory so good
Congrats of a mistake you made
Congrats of the terrifaying moves you made
The day I became you, I'll blame my self that's true
Solen lyser på alla barn
Jag hade ett tusen mot hundra, jag förlora
Som sagt som en annan mans grav så lik var min
Att kolen i mitt hjärtna skulle tina, det visste ingen
Syret av en djup ensamhet förvarades i min själ
som en evig drömm.
Hade jag tittat, kanske jag hade två ord kvar.
Hade jag försvunnit hade jag kanske varit en fågel nu.
Jag flög iväg från en evig stämma av hat och förmågan att blöda.
Solen lyser på alla barn
Jag är en av dem
Solen glittrar på alla hus
Även mitt hem.
Men varför står jag ensam kvar i mörkret sen?
Hade biran slagit till, eller skulle jag höra
Var vinet ett minne blott, eller hade jag lyssnat med idel öra
Hade solen bländat mitt hjärta, eller bara jag som drömde
Hade kolen runnit ut, eller var det jag som förblödde
Jag kunde inte hoppa, jag föll på knä.
Jag ropade efter dej, men du försvann
Jag stog ensam kvar vid en rykande hamn
Solen lyser på alla barn
Jag är en av dem
Solen glittrar på alla hus
Även mitt hem
Men varför står jag ensam kvar i mörkret sen?
Mannen med vit slöja och en gul turban
En man vid namn gud, och far till alla barn
Mannen vid horisonten som höll min hand
Han med brinnande ögon, och tre stavelser i sitt namn
Vid okänd orkan, han förde mig sakta in
Jag fördes som ett litet barn.
Sakta in i en orkan
Solen lyser på alla barn
Jag är en av dem
Solen glittrar på alla hus
Även mitt hem
Men varför står jag ensam kvar i mörkret sen?
Jag står kvar.
I think we fool our selves!
I see my self, it's someone else
I'm not the girl I were
I'm a different type, like black and white
From the old times I knew how to fight
Now am even scared from the light!
I could curse and swear
But now I just don't care
I didn't mind to fall, now I rather crawl
I think we fool our shelves
to be someone
We don't see what we are
I think we rather die, then show our shelves cry.
We don't know we've gone to far
I used run some times, but now I don't have the time
I sit down in the end of the wall
I used to paint some times, but now they hang down the hall
I didn't get it first, but now I see
There's a different me
I think we fool our shelves
to be someone
We don't see what we are
I think we rather die, then show our shelves cry.
We don't know we've gone to far.
We are not the ones in need
We are the ones who never bleed
But why are we the ones who cries
We are the stupid minds, but still we don't make the crimes
We are the thin and great, but if we only ate.
I think we fool our selfs, to be someone else
But we will never see!
Har vart hos sara :D har sett typ 800 filmer skrttat pratat med cp pers på msn och sovit en timme typ :D
Idag blir det kör, typ träna innan vill jag göra! Det skulle vara skönt :D
Neje men idag blir det kul ;D
DAGENS MUSIC: Fort minor!!!!!!!!!:D
xo ;D!
sara soveer och tråkar sej!!!;D
Jag letar inte, jag höjer inga krav bara stannar där jag är!
Mår inte så bra, har ont i magen och kroppen få se om jag åker någonstans i helgen eller stannar hemma.
Vi fick en bild uppgift i skolan idag, jag kom på en sak på direkten.
Uppgiften var om att man skulle göra om en känd konstnärs värk/tavla till typ något.
Jag valde skriket, den tavlan skrämmer mig snarrare haha.
När jag ser den käns den helt förvirrad, helt kladdig lixom som om konstnären inte visste vad han höll på med så till slut fick han en sådan ångest att det blev just en sådan tavla. Han visste inte vad han skulle måla. Jag tycker nästan det läskigaste med den är att gubben inte har några pupiler, han har ögon men inga pupiler. Det är freeeeeaky, men coolt.
Jag tänker inte säga vad min idé är men haha ;)
Dagens mat: ööh typ ris (Y)
Dagens färg: svart
Dagens music: Alter bridge!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bye bye miss american pie! (australianpie)
Dagens mat: tomtegröt
Dagens färg: Lilla och grönt (vet ej varför!!!)
Dagens musik: Kristina issa I'll be okey (migasså)
Idag och lite till ;)

Hejsan :D Man kan säga det är första inlägget på min nya blogg. Har tänkt att skriva lite mer här..haha inte för mina dagar är så intresanta men whatafuck läs endå.
Nytt år och 2008 är bakom oss, 2009 nu! Ja, firat nyår med min kusin från luliå verkligen länge sen och det var helt uderbart. Vi typ satt och käka hela natten haha, sen gick vi ut och smällde på som fan. Det är ju det som är det roligaste på hela nyår! (Y) Nästan älskar nyår, men jag hatar julafton så jag är lite skojjsig där kan man säga haha. Tänker inte fördjupa mig i varför jag hatar julafton, så är det bara. Xmas is nothing for me. Jag ser inte nyår som jul, jag ser det som bara något kul, lixom hänga runt och skojjsa typ det enda :D . Idag har jag tränat, tränat som fan. Gud vad det var längesen, det kändes nästan som hundra år sen man stog och hoppa omkring xD Hahaha okey det låter töntigt, men jag gymmar efteråt om det ger mig lite mer status.
Dagens mat: sallad (orka inget annat)
Dagens färg: konstigt nog vitt
Dagens musik: Tro det eller ej, börjar jag älska Taking back sunday! Otroligt bra (Y) Lyssna på dom :D
Beware of your dreams!
You looked me in the eye and you made me cry
I looked the other way,I didn't know what to say
If you only could shake my hand you would understand
how my dreams fallen apart when you told me so
How you broke the little thing, you just looked at, and throwed
Cold feelings boiling inside, from ice to fire I cried
Beware of me, I looked at you
Beware of the darkness I've been throw
You should see and hold those feelings
Beware of your dreams, somehow it never looks like it seems
You bring the last teardrop to fall
You make me suffer and crawl
On the edge of dying, if only SO
Love is the only thing that you can't throw
I tried to make you see, but you goo on just goo on free
Sometimes hate can make you cry, but love make the head spin like you did, and ask questions like why.
Beware of me, I looked at you
Beware of the darkness I've been throw
You should see and hold those feelings
Beware of your dreams, somehow it never looks like it seems
shadows in my head whispering
shadows you understand, crying
shadows comes back, one two three
Beware of me, I looked at you
Beware of the darkness I've been throw
You should see and hold those feelings
Beware of your dreams, somehow it never looks like it seems
The last hope
The last hope for me
The last hope, and I still can't see
The last hope, I'm paying the price
Life ain't free
We are born to work, and die
Sometimes I wish, and cry
The last hope for me
Oh god I'm still stuck in this misery
Well I'm trying
It's better then crying
Well it's not over,
I'm staying sober
Well I'm trying
This time I won't be flying
Tell them a used it
My last hope it's gone
For you, please just carry on
I like to hate, what you can create
But it's to beautiful from up hear
No one told me I would be an angel I swear
But look where I ended, I'm gone with the wind
Well I'm trying
It's better then crying
Well it's not over,
I'm staying sober
Well I'm trying
This time I won't be flying
To lose, I lost
To mist, I miss
To cry, I cried
To help, I've been helped
To die, I died
Well I'm trying
It's better then crying
Well it's not over,
I'm staying sober
Well I'm trying
This time I won't be flying
If I could I would
If I only could fly I would fly away and don't look back
If I only could cry, I would cry in til my had got a crack
If I only could bring back life, I would bring back you in time
If I only could see those tears that you cry, I would never wonder why
If I only could shut up, I would stitch together my mouth
If only could love you, I would tell you that's true
If I only could fly
If I never die
If you only let me try
I would if I could
If I only could jump high, I would live in the sky
If I only could care, there would be a life to spare
If I only could get back to you, I would
IF I only could see you, I would break a mountain or two
If I only could help you back, I would even give up a golden sack
If I only could fly
If I never die
If you only let me try
I would if I could
If, if , If my wishes became true
I would tell you I love you
If my mind could decide, i would do whats right
If I only could fly
If I never die
If you only let me try
I would if I could
I'm in love with a moon
A moon up high
I look up everynight and wish I can fly
I want to be a star that shines next to you
I want to shine intil you tell me not to.
But the moon is not always full
But it's allways as wonderfull
If you look it's not whole
I can give you everything, even my soul
The moon is never complete....
I can jump up high sit on your bow
If you hated my hart I would throw
I would feel sorry for the sun oh yes
sorry for that she can't see you
that she can't see you beautie that's sad but true
But the moon is not always full
But it's allways as wonderfull
If you look it's not whole
I can give you everything, even my soul
But I'm like the sun. I will never get to you
I'm like the sun, you would never be the one
I'm like the sun, just crying when you are gone
I'm just like the sun, I would never be the one
But the moon is not always full
But it's allways as wonderfull
If you look it's not whole
I can give you everything, even my soul
The moon is never complete....
The moon is never complete....
In deed
You play with my mind
And you do it all again
You play with my r heart
And you do it over again
You play with the pictures in my head
They all went grey, after the things you said
You play with me like if I lived in a dollhouse
You play with me as if you were the cat and I'm the mouse
You make me wonder, oh yes you do!
You make me scream terrible things to you too.
I cry for the ones who bleed, I cry for them indeed
I cry for them so sad, they make me feel bad
I cry for the ones in need, I cry for my self indeed
You make me feel like heaven
then you goo
You make me scream and hate you so
You make me feel like an angel from the sky
Then I cry
I just throw thing and you just fly
You make me feel like a bitch sometimes
but don't ask me why, that's just a try
If you know me as weel, you should know
Just leave it all and let goo
I cry for the ones who bleed, I cry for them indeed
I cry for them so sad, they make me feel bad
I cry for the ones in need, I cry for my self indeed
You scream you shout, you break it loud
You fake you break, you will be making a mistake
You fall, you crawl back in to me?
But god only knowes how it will be!
I cry for the ones who bleed I cry for them indeed